free entertainment

there are few things i appreciate more than watching nature unfold in it’s very way.  because i have time these days to sit and watch or take a little more time to do so, i’m finding many things of nature that make me smile.

there has been a nest of cardinals in our lilac tree in our backyard.  my husband and i have been entertained watching mr. and mrs. flying in and out of the nest feeding and taking care of the little brood.  i keep watching for the little guys to learn to fly but no such luck, yet.  i’ll keep watching.

today i marveled as i watched a mother robin teaching her little robin-lette how to hunt for worms. they were hopping all over the yard poking into the green grass with the moist soil finding their lunch.  i also listened as they communicated with each other – chirping at each other off and on.  the little one wandered away too far and mommy hopped onto a pole so she could watch.

our fat feline, shelby, is quite the cat.  she’s 13 years old and i thought a year ago was dying…… not so. she’s healthy but overweight.  she’s an indoor cat but loves to lie on the back deck during the summer in the hot sun and sunbathe.  today i watched as she rolled from side-to-side giving herself a little bath in the sun.  rolling and rolling and trying to get herself clean…….

these little stories are cute but we know nature can be cruel…….  i recently found a dead toad in a jar of water on my back deck.  the water was to rid my morning glories of the stupid beetles but somehow the toad jumped in and never got out.  horrifying to find for this nature loving writer.

i have no moral to this story today. my ending consists of one recommendation: watch nature.  take the time to sit, watch, learn and enjoy.  it’s free and it’s there!  why not?



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